The Millennial Malaise

A Gen Z’s Lament on Life’s Little Annoyances

Malik Waqas
2 min readAug 29, 2024

In a world of endless notifications,
Buzzing phones and expectations,
We’re bombarded with information,
Overwhelmed by a constant sensation.

The Boomers, with their “back in my day,”
The Millennials, avocado toast all the way,
And us, the Zoomers, with our TikTok craze,
Labeled and judged, in this societal maze.

Rising prices, a constant strain,
Dreams deferred, financial pain,
The haves and have-nots, a widening gap,
Leaving us feeling stuck in a trap.

We strive for equality, a level playing field,
But the reality is harsh, our destinies sealed.
The privileged few, with their silver spoon,
While we struggle, beneath a jaded moon.

The constant comparison, a heavy weight,
Social media highlights, amplify the hate.
Filtered lives, picture-perfect and bright,
Make our own struggles feel out of sight.

