A Gen Z’s Ode to Life’s Minor Mishaps

The Never ending To-Do List Symphony

Malik Waqas
2 min readOct 3, 2024

In the grand orchestra of existence, a quirky concerto plays,
A symphony of minor frustrations that color our young Gen Z days.
The Wi-Fi cuts out just as the video call heats up,
Leaving pixelated faces in a frustrating, digital cup.

The phone battery dips into the dreaded red zone,
Anxiety spikes as plans with friends hang in the unknown.
Earbuds tangle into an infuriating knot,
Music on hold as patience starts to rot.

Autocorrect butchers our best-intended texts,
Turning “meet you there” into nonsensical, perplexing flexes.
The dreaded “one sec” reply stretches into an hour,
Leaving us hanging, questioning their social power.

Empty promises of “just five more minutes” on screens,
Morph into hours lost in the digital stream.
Social media feeds taunt with picture-perfect lives,
While our own laundry piles reach insurmountable heights.

The struggle is real to find a matching sock in the drawer,
As the missing one…

