The Tapestry of Consciousness

Weaving Inner Worlds with Outer Realities

Malik Waqas
2 min readAug 25, 2024

Human hearts yearn, relief from discomfort’s sting,
Pain’s sharp edges, where anxieties cling.
But in this dance of mind and spirit’s call,
A deeper truth unfolds, beyond pain’s thrall.

Stress, a phantom, haunting thoughts unseen,
Past regrets, future fears, a relentless scene.
Yet, in this struggle, spiritual traditions rise,
Offering solace, calming troubled skies.

Meditation’s path, a sacred quest we tread,
Yielding peace within, as worries shed.
For in the depths of consciousness’s embrace,
Humanity’s essence finds its rightful place.

Suffering’s plow, furrows deep and wide,
Uprooting weeds, where worldly thoughts reside.
Like fire’s heat, refining ore’s design,
Adversity’s forge, where souls truly shine.

False friends whisper, promising release,
Euphoria’s lure, a fleeting, false peace.
But in their shadows, darkness takes its hold,
Moral identity traded, stories untold.

